• Support

    Baby Massage

    Simone Degiorgio, Director of Maternal Journey, originally recorded and shared this video with the Gastric Reflux Support Network NZ for National Infant and Child Gastric Reflux Awareness Week 2020 where our theme was “Connections”. Massage is such as special way we can connect with our children and fits well with our theme of Awareness Week, Whānau Mental Wellbeing in 2022. Massage techniques to help with digestion and sleep.

  • Support

    Mindful Parenting

    Simone Degiorgio, Director of Maternal Journey, originally recorded and shared these videos with the Gastric Reflux Support Network NZ for National Infant and Child Gastric Reflux Awareness Week 2020 where our theme was “Connections”. They fit well with our theme of Whānau Mental Wellbeing in 2022. In Mindful Parenting Part 1: Simone Degiorgio, Director of Maternal Journey, helps us to define for ourselves: Where are my challenges? and What are the issues I face? on my parenting journey. Now that you have identified what your challenges are Simone will help you understand control and the art of letting go while teaching you the skills to bring yourself into the moment…

  • Stories

    Support for Wellbeing, Awareness Week 2023

    I was recently asked by a team of doctors in training: “What is one thing, you wish we as doctors could give?” And the truth is there isn’t just “one thing”.  Babies with reflux don’t just have 1 thing.  Families with reflux babies don’t need just 1 thing.  I’m a Mum of 2 beautiful little girls.  Both have a myriad of ‘things’. Ranging from laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, obstructive apnoea, clefts, high arched palates…the list goes on. Naturally, their reflux has been more complicated than most, but that’s not uncommon for reflux babies. How could I possibly just ask “1 thing”  Somehow, we got on the topic of babies being admitted to…

  • Stories

    Family Impact, Awareness Week 2023

    Mitchell has found it hard being an older child with reflux and not being understood by those around him. For the sibling of a child with reflux it meant that Victoria lost her sense of security. We would be having a normal day and then a bout of pain would lead to a trip to the emergency department and the whole family routine was thrown out. During COVID Victoria couldn’t travel to Christchurch for Mitchells surgeries and procedures, and we didn’t realise the impact on the child left behind until after it all. Reflux doesn’t just affect the one person but the entire family. We as parents have had to…

  • Support

    The importance of sibling support

    Negative impacts: Anxiety and guilt (they may feel they have caused their sibling to be unwell or that they too will get unwell) Anger or resentment over the amount of time their parent spends with their high needs sibling, or embarrassment over their siblings’ behaviour. Feelings of grief and loss over how life was before the arrival of their sibling. Breakdown in family communication and bonding. I have to say the negative impacts on Peter have been more noticeable. Peter was just 16 months old when Tobias was born, he was still breastfed and had never been apart from me for more than a few hours. We have no local…

  • Support

    Spilt Milk

    Where do you fit if you have an infant who just spills a lot? What about if they are just irritable? What happens if all your health professionals say that there is nothing wrong with your baby, that they are perfectly healthy and they will just grow out of the spilling, and/or the crying is just a phase? What happens if despite being reassured that this is all normal, you can’t cope with the washing, mess, crying, lack of sleep…? What happens if your baby does appear to be perfectly healthy – is it all in your head? What happens if your baby isn’t gaining weight or you and others…

  • Support

    Related Disorders

    There are a number of conditions, diseases and disorders that are related to gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR). Conditions that co-exist with GOR.  It is hard to know which ones come first, or if they truly just co-exist e.g. allergies, food intolerance, coeliac disease. Disorders that affect the functioning of the palate, oesophagus or the gastrointestinal tract in some way e.g. cleft palate, laryngomalacia, cerebral palsy, any neurological condition. Diseases that mimic GOR e.g. eosinophillic oesophagitis (EoE) or eosinophillic gastrointestinal disorder (EGID). Eosinophillic oesophagitis (EoE) or eosinophillic gastrointestinal disorder (EGID) are distinct from gastro-oesophageal reflux, but may co-exist or may mimic GOR.  There may, however, be no symptoms of GOR at all.…

  • Support

    Sleep – Awareness Week 2021

    What is SUDI? Recently I completed The National Sudden Unexpected Death in Infants (SUDI) online prevention program and it has got me thinking a lot about safe sleep. I know for me, pregnant with my first son Peter, SUDI or SIDS and “Cot Death” as it has previously been known; was one of my biggest fears. Luckily for me, Peter quite happily slept on his back, swaddled and in his own bassinet. But when Tobias came along he fought the swaddle and hated being on his back. In fact, he rarely slept unless perched over my shoulder like a drunk parrot. In those early days I didn’t know that he…

  • Support

    Reflux is not just a spilly baby. Reflux is… Awareness Week 2021

    A post by GRSNNZ member Shannon in our private support group.  Every night when I’m feeding my 4mo (2nd child with reflux) and reflecting on the day, I keep thinking how people with children without reflux, just don’t get what it really is. So I mentally write a list in my head about what it really is. Tonight I wrote them down… some light hearted, some not so much… Feel free to add any of your own, I’d be interested to know if others feel the same Reflux is not just a spilly baby. Reflux is…  Hearing a burp and jumping to find a spill cloth. Rubbing in spew with…

  • Stories,  Support

    Elei’s Story – Awareness Week 2021

    Our son Tyson was born a little overdue, we got there in the end, back and forth to Maternity but 3rd time a charm. After being given the okay we were left to go to the birth centre to recover. But he wasn’t settling, ob’s every 2hrs, the morning nurse came in and next we were in NICU for 7 days. Fast forward to 6 months old, Tyson was a dream, but we started having issues with his weight, they kept putting a Nasal Gastric tube in and out, back and forth to A&E, then we found he had chronic constipation, he was put on IV Clean Prep and we…