Spilt Milk
Where do you fit if you have an infant who just spills a lot?
What about if they are just irritable?
What happens if all your health professionals say that there is nothing wrong with your baby, that they are perfectly healthy and they will just grow out of the spilling, and/or the crying is just a phase?
What happens if despite being reassured that this is all normal, you can’t cope with the washing, mess, crying, lack of sleep…?
What happens if your baby does appear to be perfectly healthy – is it all in your head?
What happens if your baby isn’t gaining weight or you and others do have REAL concerns?
The Staff and Members of the Gastric Reflux Support Network NZ are still here to support you.

We hope that by participating with others with similar challenges and experiences, that your ability to manage everyday demands will be enhanced. Our aim is that with support from others that understand, you will be more likely to maintain your own emotional health and well-being, and increase your participation within your community.
The reality of parenting a baby that spills copious amounts, and/or cries a lot and sleeps little is far from what most parents were expecting when they were waiting to hold their new-born, and we understand this!
You need to take your baby to a doctor for a proper diagnosis if you think they may have Gastric Reflux and it is a problem (feeding difficulties, not growing well or severe pain etc.).
Written and compiled by Roslyn Ballantyne, RN, National Coordinator 2013 – 2020 for © Crying Over Spilt Milk Gastric Reflux Support Network New Zealand for Parents of Infants and Children Charitable Trust. Updated February 2022.