• Stories

    Support for Wellbeing, Awareness Week 2023

    I was recently asked by a team of doctors in training: “What is one thing, you wish we as doctors could give?” And the truth is there isn’t just “one thing”.  Babies with reflux don’t just have 1 thing.  Families with reflux babies don’t need just 1 thing.  I’m a Mum of 2 beautiful little girls.  Both have a myriad of ‘things’. Ranging from laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, obstructive apnoea, clefts, high arched palates…the list goes on. Naturally, their reflux has been more complicated than most, but that’s not uncommon for reflux babies. How could I possibly just ask “1 thing”  Somehow, we got on the topic of babies being admitted to…